§ 7-1-1004. Reimbursement of financial institution for costs of obtaining information.  

Latest version.
  • (1) A financial institution is entitled to reimbursement by a governmental entity seeking information, for costs reasonably and directly incurred in searching for, reproducing, or transporting a record required to be produced if the financial institution produces the record:
    (a) pursuant to written permission by all account holders of the account referenced in the record in accordance with:
    (i) Subsection 7-1-1001(2)(a); or
    (ii) Subsection 7-1-1006(2)(b)(iii);
    (b) in compliance with an order obtained under this part; or
    (c) in compliance with an order of a court or administrative body of competent jurisdiction.
    (2) The commissioner shall by rule establish the rates and conditions under which a governmental entity shall reimburse a financial institution.
Amended by Chapter 381, 2009 General Session